He Said Yes
The Story of Father Mychal F. Judge, OFM
written by Kelly Ann Lynch
illustrated by M. Scott Oatman
A true story about the remarkable life and untimely death of Father Mychal Judge, He Said Yes tells how an ordinary boy from Brooklyn became an extraordinary Franciscan priest and the beloved New York City Fire Department chaplain who gave his life for his friends on September 11, 2001.
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About the Author
Kelly Lynch is one of the founders of Mychal's Message. She knew Father Mychal Judge throughout her life. He was a dear family friend who often prayed with her and her family, in happy times and sad. Please contact us to schedule a book signing at your church, school or local book store. Author Visits are also available.
About the Artist
M. Scott Oatman is an extremely versatile, award-winning designer and illustrator. He has more than 20 years' experience creating highly successful work, delighting smart clients throughout the United States. Scott donated designs for: the Mychal's Message Logo; our project logos; our T-shirts; our thank-you post cards; and various other materials. Learn more about M. Scott Oatman by visiting his web site: www.mscottoatman.com.
Winner 2008 Catholic Press Association Book Award:
First Place Children's Books
What educators are are saying
"Your book is so well written;
so articulate and appropriate as a children's book."
-Marcie McCarthy, 2nd Grade Teacher, St. Leo the Great School, Lancaster, PA